Software Piracy

What is Software Piracy?

This article gives the broad information of software piracy. Piracy of softwares involves the use reproduction or distributed without having received the expressed permission of the software author. Software piracy can be divided in four common types. The first one is end user piracy, it occurs when the users of software installs the software on more machines then they are entitled to under their license agreements. Hard disk loading is next, and it occurs when dealers of computer install illegal copy of software on user’s computers. The third is software counterfeiting and it involves the illegal reproduction. The fourth is Internet piracy, and it occurs when single place unauthorized copies of software on the Internet for download.

Software piracy refers to the unauthorized duplication and use of computer software. Software developer work hard to develop solid software programs. If those applications are used by unauthorized person and stolen, the software developer will often unable to generate the revenue required to continue supporting and expanding those applications. The software piracy impacts the entire global economy of the world. The reduced revenues often divert funding from product development, and the result in less research and less investment in market. In 2007, economist indicated that software piracy cost the industry $39.6 billion.


Software Piracy

Software is intellectual property, and it is protected by copy right laws in most countries. Most software license grants user permission to the software, but the license holder does not have the right to access the software they simply own a license to use the software. When you use unauthorized software; or if you circumvent the copy protection; and also if you don’t have permission for use of the software. The software is illegal to use if it is not copyright in  the world.  In World, generally it is illegal to violet or circumvents software copyrights. If the pirate or offender is located in a country that does not respect copyright laws, it can be complex task to enforce penalties against pirated.


Software Piracy: Basic Concept-

  • Cloning:

Concept cannot be copy protected and unfortunately some software developers choose to clone other application rather than creating their own.

  • Cracking:

A software crack is an illegal obtained but working version of software, which circumvents the software copyright protection.

  • Hack:

The classic innocent definition of hack used to be just a cleaver work around.

  • Serials:

Usually refers to illegal obtained registration keys or serial numbers that unlock a download evaluation version of a product.

  • Wares:

Another term for a software cracks.


Software Copyright


Types of Software Piracy:

There are a number of different types of software piracy. The following all relates to the illegal use of software and are various type of piracy.

  1. It is illegal to use a single-licensed version on multiple computers.
  2. It is illegal to preloaded software on computer without providing the appropriate license.
  3. It is illegal to use a key generator a registration key that turns an evaluation version into a licensed version.
  4.  It is illegal to use a stolen credit card to fraudulent purchase a software license.

About Sourabh Bhunje

Sourabh Bhunje, B.E. IT from Pune University. Currently Working at Techliebe. Professional Skills: Programming - Software & Mobile, Web & Graphic Design, Localization, Content Writing, Sub-Titling etc.

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