IPHost Network Monitor is a powerful tool to monitor distributed network and servers for Windows. This tool is used to monitor availability and performance of your web sites and servers running them.
You can track the information regarding other network elements like internet/intranet applications, mail and database (MySQL, Oracle and others) servers and much more.
This powerful tool supports many protocols such as FTP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, IMAP, ODBC, HTTPS, PING and alike.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used to monitor the performance parameters of your Windows, UNIX, Linux or Mac servers as well as other resources of your network like routers, switches, printers, UPSs and many more.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) can be used to measure the performance counters on Windows workstations and Servers. It can be used to monitor transactions for e-commerce sites.
Support is provided for SNMP SET protocol or you can choose from wide varieties of plugins to meet your needs.
Also alerts are provided for events using email, AOL, Jabber, ICQ, playing a particular sound selected by user or by executing a particular application depending on the event. Not only this.
Why to Use It?
You also get basic administrative tools with it. All these in a single tool with a web interface to create weekly or monthly reports automatically for selected hosts group. You can monitor distributed network and server systems with this powerful tool.