Weight Loss Pills: are they good enough?

Taking a faster and shorter path is tempting but is weight loss pills safe and effective at the same time?

Results in less time and sometimes without efforts is all what we want today. When it comes to your GREAT WEIGHT, it’s even easier to slip on easy ways of weight loss. Science has provided us with facts and medicines to do whatever we wanted to do with our body. So there we get – our WEIGHT LOSS PILLS. But are these pills good enough to help you lose unwanted weight without making you lose many bucks. Let find out.

How it works?

Most of the weight loss pills are based on the principle – eliminate the root causes of weight gain. Some eliminate the absorption of fats, others tries to increase your metabolism. But these are just facts. If you want to see better results, you should consider about the normal and proven weight loss programs and exercises.

Weight loss pills – popular ones

Weight loss pills are nothing but supplements you take. These can be in the form of meal or some oral drugs.

The most common of these pills are calcium and magnesium supplements. Although, the effectiveness of these supplements on weight loss is debateable but researches have many examples to associate these minerals with weight loss. The basic theory is that calcium helps to absorb good fats that in turn help to burn the bad fats.

Another popular supplement is green tea extracts. These are not truly weight loss pills. The effectiveness of green tea lies in the amount of antioxidants it has. The catechins in it are also considered to be effective on depleting belly fat. Not to mention the affects it has on heart by lowering bad cholesterol.


Weight Loss Pills: are they good enough?

If you want the natural weight loss pills, think about food that contains a lot of fiber. Fibrous food is effective in weight loss because it makes your tummy to last long on the limited intake. Fibrous food takes long to digest thus making you eat lesser.

There are other meal replacements like shakes and bars. These are rich in the necessary nutrients and calories your body will need and can be considered as an alternative if you are ready to sacrifice your daily meals.

Lastly, there are proper weight loss pills like ‘hoodia’, which requires prescription and ’Orlistat’ (Alli), an over the counter drug. But these types of drugs are always questionable for the side effects they produce. For example, consider Alli, although effective but it can put you in embarrassing situation of anal and gas leakage.

Are they safe?

The most important question is whether these drugs or weight loss pills are safe enough to take them as a permanent fix for overweight. The answer depends on individuals. Some find them work, others don’t. Some have little side effects whereas others can ruin your life. So it’s important to consider all the factors before you try any of them. Consult with your doctor before experimenting anything with weight loss pills.

About Sourabh Bhunje

Sourabh Bhunje, B.E. IT from Pune University. Currently Working at Techliebe. Professional Skills: Programming - Software & Mobile, Web & Graphic Design, Localization, Content Writing, Sub-Titling etc.

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