Yearly Archives: 2016

software: photoshop interface assistant
Intro: Adobe Photoshop is such a complex program that it has so many toolbars which are used so often that most of the times, the toolbars take up far more screen space than the canvass itself. This leads to continuous dragging of the design or the canvass here and there and consequent wastage of time.     Features: This small tool called Photoshop Interface Assistant, drags the toolbars out of […]

Photoshop Interface Assistant

Software: Video Subtitle Editor
Intro: Add or edit the subtitles of any video with Video Subtitle Editor. It is as simple as 1-2-3. No expert training required. Just install this wonderful program and you are good to go.     Features: Create your own subtitles files and time them to your videos. You can earn by working as a professional subtitle writer. Or you can also write funny subtitles for your home-made videos. You […]

Video Subtitle Editor

Visiting Card Designer
Intro: A good, eye catching visiting card is a status symbol for any businessman or woman these days. It shows how serious you are about your image and your business. However, a professional card designer charges exorbitantly. Not anymore! You can design your own cards now with the Visiting Card Designer.     Features: Its feature rich interface allows you to not only design cards but also edit your previous […]

Visiting Card Designer

Facebook Activity Spy
Intro: Most of us share our computers with someone at home or in the office. It is very difficult to know what someone has been doing on your computer behind your back. No more! Download the Facebook Activity Spy 2012 and keep a tight vigil on all activity on your computer 24 X 7.     Features: It records all keystrokes, Facebook use, emails, web visits and chats on all […]

Facebook Activity Spy

USB over IP Connector
Intro: Now a days technology works beyond your imagination. Though accessing remote system is common now a days but it is still difficult to manage USB device at remote place. But now you no need to worry about it Because this software “USB over IP Connector” make you enables to manage remote USB devices.     Features: This is really easy to install and important part is this is install […]

USB over IP Connector

Web Cartoon Maker
Info: Sometimes we wanted to create a cartoon but we face many problems, your problem get solved by this awesome software called “Web Cartoon Maker Player”. This player help us to create and play cartoons. This is free software.     Features: This software is of size nearly 4 MB and work with all platform like windows 98, windows xp and latest windows 7. We can add some audio files […]

Web Cartoon Maker Player

Contacts Backup Tool
Intro: VeryAndroid Contacts Backup is very useful phone book restoring application with a successful reverting feature. This software not only makes the duplicate copy of the contacts but also restores the phone book from any computer to Android phone quickly and this work is done by this application efficiently and successfully without any disturbance.     Features: This application provides you the feature like securing your Android contacts safely and […]

VeryAndroid Contacts Backup